You can now play and experience my piece "Not to Scale"
at the SVA Chelsea Gallery through August 6th!
"Not to Scale" (2014) Installation (with Extra Lighting)
You can now play and experience my piece "Not to Scale"
at the SVA Chelsea Gallery through August 6th!
"Not to Scale" (2014) Installation (with Extra Lighting)
Cover of the Strategy Guide I'm working on currently.
So, I've been doing huge updates to the game. And, I've been cruising along on the work for the Strategy Guide. For the next three days, it's crash course time: finish the Strategy Guide, paint the gallery walls, install the carpet, set up the desktop computer and table, finish the little things on the game, finish and print/bind the strategy guide... woah! I've got a lot to do. HERE WE GO!
The show "Already Broken: The Personal That is Not Ours" will open July 10th, and the reception is from 6pm to 8pm. The show is at the SVA Gallery in Chelsea, 601 W 26 Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY. The show will be up until August 6th. It's a group show featuring myself and my 13 colleagues in the program: MFA Art Practice (Class of 2015).
Screenshot of the work-in-progress!
I've been working on quite a few changes for the game component of my art piece called "Not to Scale." I'm going to be updating the Current Projects page soon with more information. But, the game is changing, the installation plan is changing, and I'm very excited about it! The little flame dude in my screenshot is my tester character. Anyway, more soon.
I've been continuing to work on the Not to Scale piece. I'm going to be switching out some equipment, once I find some things, for ones that better fit the idea. I'm also going to be going from rough draft to final draft on the wall and booklet components. Additionally, this weekend, Gus and I will be painting my studio off-white, because right now it's an awful shade of blue (which was the way it was when I moved in). Once I've got most of the pieces put together and assembled, I'll be able to share some pictures of the various components. The group show for our program opens in July, and this piece will be there, so stay tuned for more information as the date gets closer!